Testing & Inspections

The #1 Cause of Failure in Fire Protection Systems is a Lack of Proper Maintenance.
NFPA requires fire protection inspections to prevent issues that can affect your system’s integrity and ability to protect your business and your employees. Routine inspections and system maintenance assures that your system will operate properly in the event of an emergency.
At Jackson Associates, Inc., we offer code compliant inspections of all fire and life-safety systems. Some of the services included are fire alarms, fire sprinklers, fire suppression systems, special hazards systems, and emergency notification and communications systems.
How Often Should I Have My Fire Protection System Inspected?
Frequency is determined by the type of system you have and the requirements of the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction). It is important to have your system inspected regularly to keep in compliance with the AHJ, or your insurance provider.
At Jackson Associates, Inc. we work closely with the AHJ as well as your insurance provider to ensure your system is compliant.
What is Included in the Inspection?
Items covered under a fire protection inspection include, but are not limited to:
- Main drain testing to evaluate the condition of the water supply.
- Inspectors test operation to confirm the water flow switch is operating correctly in the time required.
- Counting the amount of turns on the control valves to ensure they are fully open.
- Visually inspect all piping and hangers.
- Check for extra sprinklers and the proper wrenches in the spare sprinkler cabinet.
- Check for painted or damaged sprinklers.
- Visually inspect the fire department connection for debris, fitting mobility, and proper end caps.
Inspections of other systems will involve testing additional components that vary by the type of system.
Here are some common inspections provided by Jackson Associates, Inc.:
Water Based Systems:
- Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler System
- Dry Pipe Fire Sprinkler System
- Antifreeze Fire Sprinkler System
- Water Mist
- Deluge
- Backflow Certification
- Fire Pump Test
Special Hazard Systems:
- Clean Agent (FM-200)
- Gaseous Systems
- Foam Systems
- Fire Alarm Inspections
- Fire Extinguisher Inspections
Contact us for a free quote from our inspection department.